Dalal•Now•Here Dalal•Now•Here


I had a really tough pregnancy, in a nut shell, bed rested since month 4, hospitalized for 3 months, with several complications (placenta deficiency, IUGR, and eventually Preeclampsia), where I ended up delivering at 32 weeks to a 900 gram baby. Due to obvious reasons, he was incubated at the NICU in Sabah Hospital for a total of 3 months.

I met Dalal at AlSabah Hospital while visiting my baby in the NICU. She asked me “Did you hold your baby?” I just started tearing and asked “Am I even allowed to?” she said “of course! Have you heard of skin to skin?” I said I’ve been dreaming to do that, but ever since he was born, I was told I couldn’t, so I never asked.

I later come to find out a few days later, Dalal herself, pulled up my baby’s file, took it to the doctors and requested to get approval to carry the baby for the first time. She messaged me that day saying come tomorrow wearing a blouse with buttons (I will never forget that message). And so I go in the next day, and at this point my baby had been upgraded to Special Care 2 (still no carrying and touching), and there I saw Dalal and the head of the unit where they put a rail around his incubator, took him out so that I could carry him. We cried, we smiled, it was such a big day for me to finally be carrying my baby after a month of him being born, it was surreal.

I honestly didn’t think I was able to breastfeed him because at the time, he had a tube in his mouth, but of course Dalal made it happen. So at the time of his feed, they would remove the tube, and test on me, I remember Dalal saying this is incredible, I’ve never seen a baby this small latch this beautiful. At that time, he had been 1.2Kg, now its tough to imagine, but he was still very tiny. Everyday, doctors would throw the exact same comment “Hes really breasfeeding?? That small?? How many kgs is he now?? First time I see a baby this small breasfeeding” - and all I kept thinking was THANK YOU Dalal.

From only touching him though the incubator every day, to carrying him, to eventually breastfeeding him was exactly what was getting me through one of the toughest periods in my life. Forever grateful for everything she has done for me in these three months. God bless her and wish her nothing but the best in everything that she does.

I had a really tough pregnancy, in a nut shell, bed rested since month 4, hospitalized for 3 months, with several complications (placenta deficiency, IUGR, and eventually Preeclampsia), where I ended up delivering at 32 weeks to a 900 gram baby. Due to obvious reasons, he was incubated at the NICU in Sabah Hospital for a total of 3 months.

I met Dalal at AlSabah Hospital while visiting my baby in the NICU. She asked me “Did you hold your baby?” I just started tearing and asked “Am I even allowed to?” she said “of course! Have you heard of skin to skin?” I said I’ve been dreaming to do that, but ever since he was born, I was told I couldn’t, so I never asked.

I later come to find out a few days later, Dalal herself, pulled up my baby’s file, took it to the doctors and requested to get approval to carry the baby for the first time. She messaged me that day saying come tomorrow wearing a blouse with buttons (I will never forget that message). And so I go in the next day, and at this point my baby had been upgraded to Special Care 2 (still no carrying and touching), and there I saw Dalal and the head of the unit where they put a rail around his incubator, took him out so that I could carry him. We cried, we smiled, it was such a big day for me to finally be carrying my baby after a month of him being born, it was surreal.

I honestly didn’t think I was able to breastfeed him because at the time, he had a tube in his mouth, but of course Dalal made it happen. So at the time of his feed, they would remove the tube, and test on me, I remember Dalal saying this is incredible, I’ve never seen a baby this small latch this beautiful.  At that time, he had been 1.2Kg, now its tough to imagine, but he was still very tiny. Everyday, doctors would throw the exact same comment “Hes really breasfeeding?? That small?? How many kgs is he now?? First time I see a baby this small breasfeeding”  - and all I kept thinking was THANK YOU Dalal.

From only touching him though the incubator every day, to carrying him, to eventually breastfeeding him was exactly what was getting me through one of the toughest periods in my life. Forever grateful for everything she has done for me in these three months. God bless her and wish her nothing but the best in everything that she does.

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Dalal•Now•Here Dalal•Now•Here


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for you being such an amazing support and mentor in this journey of motherhood wallah. Wallah. From the first time I talked to you saying hmm don’t think I’ll breastfeed but I’ll learn about it, fast forward to now, it’s a huge part of my life and I don’t know how I will wean when it’s time! After following everything you have shared and guided me through I do feel even more confident with breastfeeding and understanding my body to know how to boost up the supply and all. And an update we recently started with solids, carrot purée and he loves it! Again thank you for everything! Thank you for guiding me, blessed to have found you on Instagram!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for you being such an amazing support and mentor in this journey of motherhood wallah. Wallah. From the first time I talked to you saying hmm don’t think I’ll breastfeed but I’ll learn about it, fast forward to now, it’s a huge part of my life and I don’t know how I will wean when it’s time! After following everything you have shared and guided me through I do feel even more confident with breastfeeding and understanding my body to know how to boost up the supply and all. And an update we recently started with solids, carrot purée and he loves it! Again thank you for everything! Thank you for guiding me, blessed to have found you on Instagram!

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Studio Founded Studio Founded


ما ترددت ان استشير دلال لاني كنت على يقين انها بتفيدني وفعلا انسانه في قمة الرقي والمعلومات الي تساعد الام

دلال شجعتني اني اطلب من الدكاتره اني اشيل بنتي واحطها على صدري برغم انها كانت وايد صغيرة ولدتها في اليوم الاول من الاسبوع ٢٧ وكان وزنها ٩٠٠ غ بس اكدتلي ان هذا الشي بساعدها اكثر من انه راح يضرها وفعلاً من اول ثواني الي شلت فيها بنتي على صدري بدأت دقات القلب تقل من بعد ما كانت سريعه حيث ان وضع الطفل على جسد الام يريح الطفل ويحسسه بالامان

و من بديت اشيل بنتي كل يوم مده متراوحه من نصف ساعه الا ساعه يوميا

هالشي ساعدني بسرعة استجابة بنتي ان تقل نسبه اعتمادها على جهاز الاكسجين و استقرار العلامات الحيويه لبنتي

دلال ما قصرت معاي من بعد ما طلعت من المستشفى علمتني المحافظه على الحليب وساعدتني بطريقة الالتقام الصحيحة و اني ازيد من وزن بنتي بالرضاعه الطبيعيه

والان كملت سنه وشهر رضاعه طبيعيه حصريه

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Studio Founded Studio Founded


I had a rough time breastfeeding my first baby. I tried everything. However, between my baby’s lip tie and my insufficient glandular tissue, I couldn’t increase my supply and struggled through breastfeeding him for 2 years. This time around, with my second baby, I really didn’t want to be stressed like I was last time. So I decided that if l have low supply, I will only try to increase it the first 6 weeks. But with Dalal’s help and encouragement, I kept going much longer than I planned! Now my baby is almost 4 months old and I know I will continue breastfeeding until she’s 2, just like her brother! This time I’m much more relaxed and my supply is much better.

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Studio Founded Studio Founded


Words cannot express how grateful I am for all your help in my breastfeeding journey. With my first two babies, I was not able to hit more than 2 months of breastfeeding, but this time around, I am 7 months into the wonderful world of breastfeeding and counting! I really doubt I would have reached this far without Dalal’s constant support, especially those late-night texts after a clogged duct suddenly decides to escalate! During those overwhelming, super-stressful moments, with a crying baby in the background, it didn’t matter how much reading I tried to do, or how many videos I watched, those one-on-one consultations (virtual or physical) with Dalal always brought up a new technique that would work wonders in the particular situation I was in and get me back on track! Again, thank you, thank you, and thank you!

Words cannot express how grateful I am for all your help in my breastfeeding journey. With my first two babies, I was not able to hit more than 2 months of breastfeeding, but this time around, I am 1 year and 1 month into the wonderful world of breast feeding!

I really doubt I would have reached this far without Dalal’s constant support, especially those late-night texts after a clogged duct suddenly decides to escalate! During those overwhelming, super-stressful moments, with a crying baby in the background, it didn’t matter how much reading I tried to do, or how many videos I watched, those one-on-one consultations (virtual or physical) with Dalal always brought up a new technique that would work wonders in the particular situation I was in and get me back on track! Again, thank you, thank you, and thank you!

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